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Paris Attacks: Evolution 4.0 Analysis

We would like to preface this analysis report by saying that the entire Evolution 4.0 development team expresses its most sincere condolences given the events that happened in Paris recently

Firstly, the attacks in France inevitably have all the ear-markings of what many in "alternative news" would call a "false flag" attack. The fact is that the events did happen. Our job at Evolution Consulting is to analyze the motive as to the who and the why. As those who subscribe to Wirehaus will know, and those who listen to programs such as Rogue Money, with v the Guerrilla Economist will know, there is a very large and largely invisible game of geopolitical chess beign played right now. Keeping that fact in mind, we once again have to ask the important question of "who is responsible" for the attacks. The answer as odd as it may seem can be one of two groups based upon Evolution 4.0 analysis. The first of which (as peculiar as this may sound) is the BRICS nations (most notably Russia and China). Now those that listen to V, and our CEO F. Nathaniel Sereny will know, we are largely proponents of what the BRICS nations are doing in terms of global economic reform. However in this instance, the BRICS nations would (in a proxy sort of way) have the most to gain from such events. There are main stream reports and open reports now of French aircraft bombing ISIS targets in Syria.

Based upon Evolution 4.0 information there is little question as to if ISIS (and similar groups) are US/Mossad creations. The evidence to support this statement are almost irrefutable at this point and readily available. Additionally, research by Evolution Consulting using Evolution 4.0 concurs nearly entirely with much of the information that has been divulged in the so called "alternative news" / non corporate media space. That said, why the BRICS nations. In a very Sun Tzu sort of way, they are using the weapons of their enemies against their enemies. Effectively forcing EU nations to begin bombing the US / Israeli created ISIS. In the sense of geopolitical poker, this forces the hand of other EU nations as well as NATO and the United States. The "well, we do not want to bomb "moderate" Muslim" reaction from Washington was only the beginning of what Evolution Consulting has forecasted to be a serious paradigm shift. Based on initial research, in the event that the BRICS nations had a hand in the Paris attacks, it would be to force additional nations to their side. A rather effective technique to force NATO to the same motives and "side" as the BRICS nation. Doing so would render Israel defenseless is the region.

We notice some facts that make the Paris attacks very similar to other so called "false flag" events. Most notably of which are the semtex-proof passports, as well as the usual trimmings such as clearly stated motive and reason for the attacks on various social media outlets and video. In fact even the almost television show like reference "this is for Syria" statement allegedly made by one of the shooters seems a bit too scripted for believability. We once again have to look to see who has the most to gain out of said attacks and oddly enough top of the list are the BRICS nations (again, most notably China and Russia). By encouraging other nations to begin bombing alleged terror group "ISIS", Russian action in the region no longer looks unilateral or "rogue". In other words, what we are seeing is the formation of a coalition of fairly diverse nations bombing Israel and US forces by proxy of "Islamic extremist terror groups". In short, Evolution's Development team would like to hand the Evolution Consulting "Greatest Geopolitical Backfire in Modern History" award to Israel and US proxy forces by way of ISIS. Please note we will be going into much greater detail in the December issue of Wirehaus as to the events in Paris.

We have also seen some information, and have spoken with some experts that suggested that the events in Paris were of US/Mossad origin. In other words a means of saying "stick with the Anglo Western banking system / US dollar or else" type of message. However based upon Evolution 4.0's arbitrary analysis, doing so would be an act of suicide. Once again, based on the above analysis, a terror attack of such a variety would only encourage exactly what we have seen thus far, which is additional bombings and targeting of so called "Islamic extremists". Therefore from a geopolitical perspective, that would be about the last thing the financiers behind ISIS would want to see. In addition to Evolution 4.0 research, and interviews with expert sources, even the main stream news media would suggest that there either is or could be a rift within the US government forming. Most notably military "higher ups" starting to take a definitively anti-Semitic / anti-Israel stance. Doing so would clearly be in their best interest as it is to our knowledge that at some point Russia / BRICS will be revealing tremendous amounts of intelligence that could easily implicate members of the US government or military to a level of "high treason" for conspiring with Israel. In other words the CYA (Cover Your Ass)-ing has begun even at the highest levels.

Additionally, something else very interesting occurred as a result of the Paris attacks. There has been a largely unspoken (but visible on social media) secular stance taken by a sizeable portion of the French public. Based upon Evolution 4.0 information this is a trend that in the wake of additional religious based attacks, may spread at the very least through Europe. Initial research has revealed that there is the above average possibility that nations that are part of Scandinavia may very well be the first to ban all religions. This would be a very effective way to counter the influx of refugees into Europe as well. That we do realize is a fairly bold statement to make however, as the appeal of religion continues to decline because of various events (such as the attacks in Paris), smaller, more technologically forward nations such as those in Scandinavia (which are largely secular to begin with) may begin to become more outspoken. Based on the feedback we receive from this feature length piece (we do tend to try to keep our commentary pieces shorter), we may continue to do research into the above mentioned trend. We do once again encourage those interested in these feature length narratives to subscribe to Wirehaus, our monthly publication.

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